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Original Chromtech "Detailed" Website
All Links are active > current

Index (PC Home ) *

since Updated on Detailed

NOW All Links are in -m5 an ~500 pix format

for YOUR SEARCH convenience . . . a similar SiteMap Navigation "BAR" is also added to the margins of each page of this "detailed" Chromtech Site
auto spaced under "parent",  "current" and "child" structure . . . self explanatory ???
- albeit in hindsight GOOGLE is just NOT smart enough to follow this internally with their SEO mechanisms
- neither "in hindsight"do they bother to sift into our "FRAME" type structure

In their wisdom the GOOGLE mechanics are full of bugs and have obviously become the target of scumbag scammers, fraudsters under the banner of  "pseodo" GOOGLE SEOs

arguably perhaps . . . GOOGLE seems to have the hidden agenda of not just providing a Search service but they also seems to be capturing Net businesses "holus bolus" and creating competotive businesses . . . for their own greed ???

Our WEBSITE(s) may seem to be convoluted /difficult to navigate and uses a variety of Internet technologies to try and thwart this type of "plagiarism"

after all we are not just an "ego freak" business trying to "top-the-World " but beleive we are genuinely providing a technical resource for our Analytical Chemistry customers

. . . neither do we have the time or mentality to pamper to the mobile phone freaks out there with the "twitter mentality"

 . . . designed simply and purely naively perhaps to try and get GOOGLE on-side to more efficiently "spider" our website

<<< *** further sub directories (May) open up on (that) HTM page ***

<<< Main Links are Active / here ! Current > ~600 pix format

Site DIR from ~ 2016
some links > errors ?

most R OK !
Extra Pages ?
yet 2 B updated here !

this "mobile responsive" SITE IS but a "preview"of OUR Main SITE >  
> as a matter of topical interest some more "controversial" issues are covered   
in OUR BLOG heresuperficially but Also > far more extensively on Our Main Site >
albeit > just an extension > distortion >> extortion ? . . . of Reality !

Global Warming > ClimateChange . . . "farce" ?
ENERGY Crisis ! > re
(ex) COVID19 < "scare" campaigns ! ? > "media'
> Science & Politics ? !
NOT Keynesian > "forced InfIlation Economics" ! 

* Any prices here in this "WIX Shop "are > Indicative ONLY ! .  .  .  see OUR MAIN Site >
*   >  MALS Cart  .  .  .  much Better > Main Site
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