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Chromtech ( Chromalytic Tech WIX Website )
US IMPORTS to be recalculated at XR=0.63 2023-10
*where * $ after 4 years inflation (20%) > x 1.5
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but Via OUR ( main ) Shoppe > Or ASK For a QUOTE >
re Climate Change > mY BLOG !
IS CO2 a pollutant ?
NO !
Chromtech's contribution ?
Greenhouse Gas GC & some rational thought ?
topical "HOT" NEWS !
the Miracle Molecule
Global Warming IS real !
. . . but it is relatively miniscule ! . . .
Anthropogenic ? doubtful ! and of little significance in the short term
< 100 years * > but it's ALL Arguable . . . No doubt!
BUT has "the consensus" really got IT
. . . ALL"arse-up"!
Is it worth exacerbating the risk of
a "Trillion" Dollar "hoax" for next to NIL return !
. . . a misconception . . . perhaps ?
> CC . . . a synopsis
( * so-called "energy crises" a la "Peak Oil"
> mini ICE-AGE projections of the '70s etc)
wind, solar ? . . . at best , a short term token effort. . . ruiniusly expensive . . . to implement , . . or to make practical . without cost-effective battery back-up !
LDETEK PlasmaDetek > Unique GC design(s) ! & too GOOD . . . to survive !
. . . for CO2, Methane, Nitrous Oxide
but NOT Water Vapor ( Clouds/Aerosols ) ?
as ICPP and Computer Models
. . . just can't cope with it !
Sold-Out to . . . ~ 2018
NOW similar but Unique Range of HI-Tech GCs from
ASD evices* Applied Scientific Devices
also Based in Canada (Thetford MInes) offshoot from LDETEK ( disenchanted UNI R&D ? "experts" !)
Liason ? ! but a bit non-communicative . . . still !
NEW Instrumentation GH Gases
CRDS . . . from Picarro *
absolutely brilliant ! . . . innovative technology
Climate Change
tT's ALL happening !
MELBOURNE . . . renowned
for "4 seasons in one day"
and AUSTRALIA "hellbent
on leading the World into "economic" disaster
AND well before
ANYTHING "hypothetical " !
What NEXT ! > . . .
see "ad finitum" > "Detail CHROMTECH Site BLOGs-m5"
Global Warming > Climate Change; Covid19, Energy Crisis
Nuckear Energy > Australia syndrome > paranoia
& against the "odds" !
high sensitivity low ppB to %
high precision
little need for calibration
Fast similtaneous monitor of CO2, Methane, N2O and water
Cost ? . . . l ess than GC/MS; MS
both laboratory AND field based > mobile application
* in many respects makes GC obsolete for many gas analysis
NOT yet available from CHROMTECH ONLT PICARRO direct
unless by collaboration re appication specifics
NEW Models for C13 isotope > source "fingerprinting " possibilities
some References
AND then NEXT > the "scam" that got away !
Corvid19 lab generated ? Beleive It or NOT !
The "consensus" 1.4Billion affectedChinese can't be wrong ! . . . can They ?
Corvid19 lab generated ! almost without ANY Doubt ! . . . but in "collusion with elements in US R&D Labs and elsewhere maybe eg CSIRO/Geelong !
we'll NEVER Know ! > conspiracy theory > never-ending ! . . . > cover-up(s)
Or >ALT GOOGLE . . . Main [SEARCH] > -m4 Menu VS WIX -mobile pages > here !
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