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popularity ?
ignorance promulgated by . . .
deluded "greenies"
ignorant politicians
vested interests . . .money grubbing politicians; all so keen to grasp at opportunities to cater for a deliberately but assumed"dumbed down" populace . . . aexacerbated by widespread "apathy" or hopelessness of the "system"ll to try and undo their financial mismanagement re taxation and offsetting "Budget Deficits"
the media to "sell newspapers" and TV Air time
in a failing print medium
It is ALL fast coming unstuck !
the "Fascist" / "Greenie" element is fast losing credibility
In Australia at least Labor has also lost any sense of responsibility
. . . pandering to extremist Unions
The Worlds is becoming "fedup" with the "system"
. . . the "caterls" / monopolies
the imbalance wealthy versus poor
the signs are there BREXIT IN Europe, Trump in the USA
and in Australia the increasing influence of One Nation and Pauline Hanson
the Scientific Communicty is NOT without blame
they have been black-mailed by politicians into accepting the "hidden agenda / scenario"
loss of funding / loss of jobs and career threatening !
the case for the "
Anti-Skeptics "
> BULLS- -T!
GOOGLE Is at last getting up to date . . . I maybe now NOT being censored: so much or under the scourge od so-called "peer" review" !
rcrollary staus quoo / negatively thinhing and a proven holdback to creative thinking l
> Spin Cycle: Carbon Dioxide Is NOT “Carbon Pollution” | Cato @ Liberty
Aug 12, 2015 - President Obama is keen on calling carbon dioxide emitted from our nation's fossil fuel-powered energy production, “carbon pollution.”
Carbon Dioxide is NOT a pollutant. - The Australian Climate Sceptics ...
Jan 12, 2017 - The two truthful expression that the Alarmists hate are. There has been a twenty-year plateau in global warming; and; Carbon dioxide is not a ...
CO2 is Not a Pollutant — OSS Foundation
› ... › Global Warming › Myths vs. Facts: Global Warming
CO2 is Not a Pollutant. That depends on whether it is generated from the natural system or from industrial waste. The dictionary is a good source for ...
Is Carbon Dioxide a Pollutant? | Weather Underground
The definition of pollution in Webster's dictionary is "to make physically impure or unclean: Befoul, dirty." By that definition, carbon dioxide is not pollution.
How Carbon Dioxide Became a 'Pollutant' - WSJ
Apr 18, 2009 - The EPA's ruling that rising CO2 emissions is a health hazard is the ... to be pollutants because of their role in propagating climate change.
. . . > and growing ad finitum !
In due course I will update t
he references as deemed necessary
All I ask is you bring yourself up-to-date
take-off your "blinkers"
the World seems to be in the hands of
"crooks and scumbags" OR at best
opportunists or vested interests
. . . under the guise of Globalism, Free Trade
"controlled "by big business, the "Cartels"
or to be frank
the major ill-recognised World Economg > The Drug "Industry" . . . legal or otherwise
. . . you be the judge !
Do a Google OR Wikipedia
call me paranoid . . . a sceptic, a denier, or just a bit fanatical on this issue
but as a scientist . . . I am fatalistic . . . a pragmatist !
for all intentent > purposes U can even Ignore the politics . . . the Bureaucracy if U Like !
even pension off The parasites
. . . into their socialistic oblivion !
the old simple adage being > . . . "just get ot of he way" ! > effectively run the economy
provide the necessary infrastructure
"control" statagies smply don'l work
> historically inevitably > fail !
BUT THAT's at the peril of ALL of US !
SO ! >
NOT Climate Change, Not Energy Crisis . . .
an absolute " absurdity" by ANY definition
of what ever the current contrived scare campaign "Fad" might be !
technology and innovation wisely used has been the savior of civilisation through millenia
. . . despite "the Establishment" and the "doomsayers"
often in the name of some sort of religion !
contrarily . . . though . . .
I am an STILL an optimist !
It may have taken 10 years or more for many in the media and gullible politicians and the public in general to
"wake up" . . . but it's happening !
even Trump refuses to have anything thing to do with
the "hoax" . . .
"the CO2 bubble"
a la the "Tulip Bubble" and the "South Seas Bubble" of the 16th Century
. . . more recent hyperbolae of "Peak Oil" and the "Energy Crises" of the 1970s . . . All a "beat up !"
THE CONSEQUENCE . . . and blatantly obvious !
lack of confidence
civil unrest
increase in crime rate
cause of massive uptake of drugs
in Australia the dismemberment of an effective education system
It ALL Started with the hidden agendas of the IPCC
( In recent years though even they have tended to reneg on the concepts and under scientific pressure ameliorated their extremities I )
Gillard" et al jumped on the bandwagon and extrapolated the original scare campaign of Al Gore and the likes of Tim Flannery "the Australian of the Year"from "Global Warming" ( subsequently downgraded to " Climate Change" )
under the assumed pretext of a misinterpreted "Greenhouse Effect" to an unproven "CO2 is the main cause of "Global Warming" to
" Anthropogenic CO2 IS a major cause of (potentially) catastrophic Global Warming " 92% consensus of scientists ( now extrapolated to 97%
. . . now proven Wrong!
ANY scheme to reduce CO2 pollution by eliminating Coal Electrical is FALSE ECONOMY at Best . . . fraudulent in intent !
Coal is clean from polluting carbon, soot, toxic chemicals is encompassed into current Electric Generating Coal Electricity Power Plants
- after decades f R&D by CSIRO & Universities
Out of ignorance/naivity CO2 has been technically incorrect by being "labelled pollution . . . IT IS NOT !
BUT to extrapolate this to "CARBON" POLLUTION and to thrudt CARBON "TRADING SCHEMES onto the taxpayers and unjustifiably drastically marking up Electricity Prices based . . . . on a FRAUD is CRIMINAL NEGLIGENT !
We actually breathe out ~5 to 7% CO2
GreenHouses' are artificially CO2 increased ( All within their closed box" environment) to some 2000 ppM similar to concentration considered
safe for submariner use.
CO2 in ALL respects is essential for Plant Growth certainly up to 1000 ppM
too bad if the land speculators get washed out with some ALSO HYPOTHETICAL CO2 cause of Sea Level rise
How? you logically unscramble a mean rise in sea level (>mm per annum) from natural tide variations ( 1 to 2 metre not unusual but to 6 metres in Broome WA
. . . what "BULLS- - T" ! ALL this IS!
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) is similarly NOT A pollutant - a natural (even more minor component of the atmosphere at 0.3 parts per million ) and often being mistaken by the gullible and naive to be the same a NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide ) or NO (nitric oxide)( yes these ARE a "nasty" pollutant associated with smog etc)
N20 is almost completely inert and as "laughing Gas" an anaesthetic , . . something we all should take in the light of all these ridiculous arguments.
Methane may have "greenhouse tendencies" but this IS Not necessarily anthropogenic by definition but an artifact through lndustrial leakage (minor) as a constituent of both Natural Gas on which we All depend but also a huge emissive source from plant decomposition, , volcanoes and huge Ocean reserves as Methane Clathrates at depth ( eg the BLACK SEA) but also embedded in the Arctic Tundra
- all subject to unavoidable potential "global warming" natural or otherwise . . . if proven !
For Centuries it has been recognised that opening up of the Arctic Ocean to commercial Sea Trading Routes would be of HUGE ECONOMIC BENEFITS to the GLOBAL ECONOMY !
- if Global Warming IS IN FACT REAL . . . this is actually a potential COST BENEFIT
to paraphrase BOB HAWKE Ignore doing some sort of
Cost Benefit Analysis !
merely proves the "anti-skeptics " are ALL but "BUMS"
What you visually see from those Power Plants is cooling water vapor ONLY . . . CO2 is invisible
the ENFORCED introduction of largely unproven ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SUPPLIES Is arguably criminally negligent,certainly a 50% reduction target by 350% by 2030 is on the verge of potential genocide on a Global Scale if the WORLD maintains this senseless gullibility
It is estimated if pursued Globally the projected cost over the next 100years will be ~$100 Trillion Dollars impost to the World Economy . . . foe neglible NET return . . . base on false assumptions . . . " a GLOBAL WARING BUBBLE"
a recent CSIRO Buried report suggest up to 45% of scientist now disagree or are undecided" - a massive turn-around in reality
There is NO proven fact or evidence that anthropogenic CO2 id the main cause of Climate Change
Global Warming is anything but negligible hardly significant effects that Global Warming apart from short term /decadal effects - NO evidence i and NO corellation whatsoever !
CO2 levels are not associated with ANY increase in Global Temperatures
the concept of the accepted hypothesis of a "mean average global temperature" is ABSOLUTELY meaningless in ANY scientific context
media statements that Current World temperatures are the highest on record . . . WRONG based on misinterpretation of known facts and the "historical record" . . . ALL part of on ongoing "scare campaign" by the media and politicians
CO2 levels are in fact miniscule at 0.04% and well below historical albeit long term historical data levels
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