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Chromtech ( Chromalytic Tech WIX Website )
US IMPORTS to be recalculated at XR=0.63 2023-10
*where * $ after 4 years inflation (20%) > x 1.5
OR we honour > listed "WIX" PayPAL Orders !
but Via OUR ( main ) Shoppe > Or ASK For a QUOTE >
Graphite Vespel (15%C)
ideal for GC/MS
will NOT diffuse air under VAC
Max Temp use 320C
Ferrules Sizes
for Fused Silica
1/16"OD (Swagelok)
0.4mmID SF100/0.4VG $45.00 per 10-pk
0.5mmID SF100/0.5VG $45.00 per 10-pk
0.8mmID SF100/0.8VG $45.00 per 10-pk
1/0mmID SF100/1.0VG $45.00 per 10-pk "
1/16"ID SF100VG $45.00 per 10-pk
Packed GC Columns
1/8"ID SF200VG $56.00 per 10-pk
1/4"ID SF400G $64.00 per 10-pk
for Agilent HP GC Inlet Fitting
0.4mmID GVF0.4HP $45.00 per 10-pk
0.5mmID GVF0.5HP
0.8mmID GVF0.8VG $45.00 per 10-pk
1/0mmID GVF1.0VG5
recessed Nuts shown in pic
also in pic Fused Silica capillary,
FS Column Caps, Metal ferrules, Agilent Inlet Recessed Nuts,
Packed Column Ferrules,
1/8 & 1/4 SS Tubing
C Compact Agilebt VG Ferrules; D Standard SL 1/16"OD VG Ferrules
Chromtech in Australia . . .
one of the leading Ferrule / Supplier OEM in the World
ideal for GC ( and GC / MS with appropriate "capture fittings"
Max Temp Use 450C+
for glass & ceramic tubes
malleable and will squash into shape ( w/in reason )
ideal replacement for metal ferrules
will easily slide off tube - reusable, replaceble -
ALL possible sizes from 0.3mmID to 2.0incgID Tubing
both Imperial and Metric sizes
Custom sizes to your specifications ( if feasible we'll do it!
Popular Sizes
0.5mmID SF1000.5G
1/16' SF100G
1/8" SF200G $25.00 per 10-pk > SHOPPE Mals' CART > Ferrules
1/4" SF400G
13/8" SF600G
1/2" SF800G
1.0" SF1600G
SFM10G 10 mmID
see Fllip PAGE Catalog for details and complete range
Includes . . .
Reducing Ferrules
Capture GFs for Fisons/Thermo
GF O-Rings for Agilent Liners
also PEEK and Teflon Ferrules
to suit Swagelok Fittings
Imperial Sisea &
Metric in GF
M6, M8, M19\0, M12, M14, M16, M25, M32
Large GFs ANY Size to MAX 2.0"ID
( = 5omm ) ( Imperial or Metric ) for Standard Swageloks
( Imperial or Metric !OR for CUSTOM Sizes ( if practical ! )
PACKAGING Options Apply > to minimise Damage in Transit & U'r handling
GFs are fairly "robust"but stll relatively "FRAGILE"
- ASK ! . . . IF in doubt ?
Or >ALT GOOGLE . . . Main [SEARCH] > -m4 Menu VS WIX -mobile pages > here !
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