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MainMenu : THIS WIX - OUR CHROMTECH PC >< Mobile and "responsive" WebSite > WIX > a"preview" ONLY to OUR MAIN ~100xHTM / >900 +& PDFS/Flips

Chromtech ( Chromalytic Tech WIX Website )
US IMPORTS to be recalculated at XR=0.63 2023-10
*where * $ after 4 years inflation (20%) > x 1.5
OR we honour > listed "WIX" PayPAL Orders !
but Via OUR ( main ) Shoppe > Or ASK For a QUOTE >
Limits on page size 450p /150Mb
very FAST & to maintain !
[SEARCH] Slow(er)}>NO Hilites
Better [SEARCH} >Hilites
NO Limits on page size
cumbersome to maintain !
Since UPGRADED from
+CAT.Nos > Current
AUD Prices
& proto Cart

embedded in an I-Frame
bur I-Frames NOW
"sabotagedby THE W3C !
Updated mini
> SHOPPE (via Main Site)
mainly for I-Pads/Phones
NOWx600px screen for "split" screens Use !
embeds FAST proto MAL's CART~$$$s
mainly for Laptops >< PCs
some Flash
multi level NAV bars
for QUICK AUD Prices
NOW Up-Dated &
approx "in Sync" AND
OK for YOUR "Trial" SHOP List
if prices are Adjusted externally/manually for XR

MALs protoCart
& also >>> QUICK ~$$$'s
BUT SEE also MainSHOP Cart
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WEB Limitations ? - & Often it is simply just YOU !
. . . . lack of patience > "Twitter & Twat" mentality > mobile phone "syndrome"> texting etc > 5 seconds attention time span . . . &THEN YOUR GONE ! . . . Too BAD . . . it's simply Your Loss! . . . & WTF ! . . . with LOL !
Most PAGES Have NAV Bars & SEARCH Mecha>nisms . . . so USE THEM !
some Keywords : GC columns, Gas Chromatograph, HPLC, UV Lamps, fittings, ferrules,valves, filtration, syringe pumps, dispensers, syringes, vials,
Suppliers : Restek, SRI GC, ValuePlastics, VICIValco, VICI Jour,
Page Title : Chromtech's Chromatgraphy (GC&HPLC), Fluid Transfer Site in Australia
Description : Chromatography products & accessories, comprehensive technical literaure, GC/HPLC methods, applications. Extensive range analytical laboratory products
Our webste(s) are still evolving and are constantly being updated as new web design tools become available.
so some duplication is inevitable . . . some intentional . . . for "OLD" product support etc -
Our Suppliers tend to regularly Update CATALOGs annually - some deletions(<5%) new products.
doesn't necessarily mean those items are NOT available . . . so ASK! -
PRICES - OUR Average OEM Cost Prices add +7% pa can be expected - The MAIN Price variation we have to endure
- are GFC related to drastic Currency Exchange Rate variations and Bank "manipulations"
. . but give us a break . . . that's ALL out of (OUR) control !
BUT we do TRY to Cover them ALL ! -
Hardware also evolves . . . from PCs > Apple-MACs > I-Pads >. Mobile Phones
as do Computer Operating Systems. All . . . compounded by Web "infrastructure"
changes . . . lack of speed NOT OURs (as we are ALL "Cloud Based") . . .
Or >ALT GOOGLE . . . Main [SEARCH] > -m4 Menu VS WIX -mobile pages > here !
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