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So WHAT Next ?
Malthusean theory 18-1900s > Population explosion > mini IceAGE > Energy Crisis ( '70s) > Global Warming > Climate Change > Ban on Coal ( CO2 "Pollution") . . . what absolute "crap"
"Greenies" Conspiracy > you bet !
Covid19 lab generated ? > Chinese Food Market ? Bat or Bird 'flu" cross does it matter ?
the "spread" was via China's ineptitude re "belated" Int'l Air-Flight Shutdown
Believe It or NOT !
The "consensus" ?
1.4Billion Chinese can't be wrong . . . can They ? after All that's only 20% of population compared to 97% Global "Warmists" . . . Ha Ha !
Corvid19 ! lab generated "Pandemic" . . . just maybe ? cost / benefit analysis ? !
Current death rate ~500K WW (in Aust ~100 Only ( compared to several 1000 not unusual by the " 'flu" )
Average Yearly "Toll" by he ordinary 'flu 200-600K
Spanish Flu' 1919. . . that was bad ! 90-100M dead > guess-timated ! > WW1 10million
the took weeks > months to spread from the origin in USA > Europe virtually WW and by sea
except also for Aust > miniscule ONLY!
Yet the Corvid19 World Shutdown has cost World economies 10 to 50 $trillion Dollars
thru' the "ignorant" self-generated "scare" campaign of Governments > the UN WHO
1.3million die on the road each year !
Incidental deaths normal 'flu 3 to 5 times
Cancers 10x
Suicides caused indirectly by Covid-19 "stress"
delayed normal hospital procedures due to falsely over-committed facilities
the Crime rate as a consequence and the lack of respect for politics / Govts has increased exponentially
the media" has gone "aboolutely" nuts and our virtually total "lock-down"as a consequence !
Suicides caused indirectly by Covid-19 "stress"
1.3million die on the roads (WW) each year !
Does ANYONE propose banning cars ! . . yet !
Except Now via Int'l' Flights the spread is within days
BUT WHO really cares about travelling from Australia > Anyway !. . . > Anywhere !
Maybe it'd be a good idea to "enforce" travel within Australia . . . first !
AND the Internet spreads the "news" instantly . . . including the behind-the-scenes srategy of all the "scams"
AND we All "freak out" !
BUT WHO really cares about travelling from Australia > Anyway !. . . > Anywhere !
Deaths . . . Sad ! as it may be especially IF it's U or Me !
we R the "lucky" Country . . . an "Island" . . . if WE manage It properly !
. . . but who am I . . . to express my thoughts ? on such Worldly matters better left to
the "World GOVT ivory tower CONTROL" or leave us at the"mercy" of 'Dictator Dan
2020 -9 . . . more ? . . . see more on www.chromtech.net.au/re covid-19.htm and expanded > re covid-19-m5